PFont(const char * sFontName);
Name of font exactly as it appears on the Type menu (maximum of 63 characters)Font must be installed on same system. The font you specify must be installed on the system on which you're running the plug-in or script.
Specifying the font name correctly. Type the font name exactly as it appears when you choose Font from the Type menu. If the system on which the plug-in or script is running includes Adobe Type Reunion (ATR), Font Harmony, or another utility that alters the font list, the name must appear as it would in the menu without the utility running. To see the appropriate name, open the Type Specifications dialog box and select the desired font.
Example. The following example selects the second text block placed
on the page and specifies that the font be changed to Times Bold Italic.
PFont("BI Times BoldItalic");
The PGetFont and PGetTypeStyle queries
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Type Specs
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